Here Tourism in West Kutai District.
1.Jempang Lake and other lakes
1.Jempang Lake and other lakes
The lake is located in District Jempang Jempang with area approximately 15 000 hectares (ha). Lake District Semayang Semayang located in an area of approximately 11 000 ha. The lake is in Kojo (100 ha), Lake Berambai (30 ha), Lake Malinau (25 ha), and Loa Maong lake (100 ha). All these lakes are producing fish in fresh water supplies most freshwater fish in East Kalimantan (Kaltim).
2.Crinkle Luway
It is located in the district perform, chamber over 15 km from the village and carry. This park area to 5000 ha. Three types of orchids there are in this place, among others; Black Orchid (coelogynepandurata), Erya Vania, Erya Florida, Coelogyne Rocus Soini and Bulpophylum Mututina, and some species of sac Semar.
Facilities on site there is information space, the need for tourist facilities available in the carry. To visit this place can be reached by river boat from Samarinda-carry, followed by four wheel drive or two wheel.
3.Mencimai, Benung, Engkni, Eheng and roar of the waterfall, magic spell
Villages are inhabited by Dayak Tunjung, there Lamin a distance of 7 km from Terminal Kampung Tongkok and as an arts center Benuaq Dayak tribe. In the village there is a museum Mencimai "Mencimai" which contains data and information Benuaq Dayak life in farming, hunting, and other social life, complete with photos and descriptions. The museum is built on the help of a Japanese tourist fees. Lamin inhabited by the people in these villages are; Lamin Mencimai, Lamin Benuang, Lamin and Lamin Eheng Engkuni.
2.Crinkle Luway
It is located in the district perform, chamber over 15 km from the village and carry. This park area to 5000 ha. Three types of orchids there are in this place, among others; Black Orchid (coelogynepandurata), Erya Vania, Erya Florida, Coelogyne Rocus Soini and Bulpophylum Mututina, and some species of sac Semar.
Facilities on site there is information space, the need for tourist facilities available in the carry. To visit this place can be reached by river boat from Samarinda-carry, followed by four wheel drive or two wheel.
3.Mencimai, Benung, Engkni, Eheng and roar of the waterfall, magic spell
Villages are inhabited by Dayak Tunjung, there Lamin a distance of 7 km from Terminal Kampung Tongkok and as an arts center Benuaq Dayak tribe. In the village there is a museum Mencimai "Mencimai" which contains data and information Benuaq Dayak life in farming, hunting, and other social life, complete with photos and descriptions. The museum is built on the help of a Japanese tourist fees. Lamin inhabited by the people in these villages are; Lamin Mencimai, Lamin Benuang, Lamin and Lamin Eheng Engkuni.
Waterfall tourism magic lies in the village Mapan roar. The roar of the waterfall, magic privileges have known Hindu heritage temple with stones Begulur. There's also a hall-lorog made below the ground with a layer of rock 50 meters long. This location is suitable to be used as the location of the archeological research.
5.Village Tering
Located on the banks of the Mahakam River District Long Iram. In the village resides Tering Bahau friendly tribal community welcoming guests with art Hudoq. Facilities available; Lamin customary, Public Art Shop. The famous ceremony is Lamelah Christianity, Laliq Iqbal, and Hudoq Apah.
To visit this place can be reached by river boat from Samarinda-datah said during the two days.
6.Pillars of Peace Long Bagun Ilir
Pillars of Peace situated on the edge of the Mahakam River District Long Bagun. The village is inhabited by other Dayak tribes from Lepo Tau Apo Kayan. Their lives were very harmonious and have a long Lamin. Native cultural arts and has its own characteristics compared with the Dayak Kenyah tribes other. Long Bagun Ilir village inhabited by Dayak Bahau so that their culture is different from other tribes. Most people living in Lamin. To visit this place can be reached by river boat from Samarinda Ilir-Long Bagun for two days.
7.Long and Long Tuyuk Pahangai
Located on the banks of the Mahakam River and through the rapids, the current is swift jram. Dayak tribes who live on Long Pahangai namely Umaq Flute, Huang Long Gelaat, Umaq Murut, Huang Kayan and Umaq Pala.
Long village which is dominated Tuyuk Bahau famous Dayak culture. In this village there are indigenous Mesaat Lamin. At the moment we drove through this area there are many rapids, including rafting the Upper Napo Shrimp and Neohida.
Arts and culture community that is customary ceremony Dangai, indigenous ceremony to welcome guests and others. In this region using aircraft from Samarinda-long data strings or using a chartered boat.